All Posts tagged Craniosacral Therapy

Recommended Reading – Cranio-Sacral Integration

This foundation volume integrates the wide spectrum of approaches to Cranio-Sacral Therapy, providing the practitioner or student with a broad and authoritative understanding of the discipline. The author covers the fundamentals of theory as well as the practical skills and techniques needed to carry out Cranio-Sacral work, and the book also includes detailed instructions for treatments, all of which are clearly explained in extensive case histories and illustrations.

Based upon the syllabus of the College of Cranio-Sacral Therapy in London, UK, this is an unparalleled resource for practitioners of Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Cranial Osteopathy, and an essential reference for students.


Simple protocols using Acupressure with other bodywork therapies

All conditions presenting for the bodywork therapist must be assessed as either acute or chronic and/or Inflammatory or non-inflammatory. If the condition is a recent or acute injury or inflammatory then the use of Ear Points (Ear Reflexology) and distal Acupressure points can be a very useful combination. Topically the use of North Pole magnets locally will ease the pain through stimulation of micro circulation and easing pain receptors on the injured area. Intra tissue bleeding issues and or inflammation must be addressed first before other body work can be employed.
